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	Comments on: Why Kids Shouldn&#8217;t &#8220;Visit&#8221; Parents This Summer	</title>
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	<description>Understanding, preventing, and overcoming parental alienation</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Fri, 13 May 2011 22:34:32 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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		By: EC		</title>

		<pubDate>Fri, 13 May 2011 22:34:32 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://warshak.com/blog/?p=495#comment-3069</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The real point is that `visiting&#039; is not _parenting_: there&#039;s a substantive difference no matter what you call it.

Some states have been using the term `parenting time&#039; for a long time, and much of the time it&#039;s applied it&#039;s still really `visitation&#039;: not sufficient for a full or worthy-of-the-name parent-child relationship; speaking of `supervised parenting&#039;---all contact with your child or parent occurring only in a center, under heavy surveillance---is absurd.

I have no direct knowledge of Virginia family courts these days, but I&#039;m suspicious of the private investigator&#039;s claim posted on Huffington Post that failure to support the other parent&#039;s parenting readily leads to reversal of custody there: I certainly don&#039;t see anything like that happening in states with which I am in touch, and would like to see some details.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>The real point is that `visiting&#8217; is not _parenting_: there&#8217;s a substantive difference no matter what you call it.</p>
<p>Some states have been using the term `parenting time&#8217; for a long time, and much of the time it&#8217;s applied it&#8217;s still really `visitation&#8217;: not sufficient for a full or worthy-of-the-name parent-child relationship; speaking of `supervised parenting&#8217;&#8212;all contact with your child or parent occurring only in a center, under heavy surveillance&#8212;is absurd.</p>
<p>I have no direct knowledge of Virginia family courts these days, but I&#8217;m suspicious of the private investigator&#8217;s claim posted on Huffington Post that failure to support the other parent&#8217;s parenting readily leads to reversal of custody there: I certainly don&#8217;t see anything like that happening in states with which I am in touch, and would like to see some details.</p>