Last February I was honored to be invited to Victoria, British Columbia to film segments as a guest on the leading talk show produced in Canada: Family Matters. The show is hosted by Justice Harvey Brownstone who is actually a sitting family court judge regularly hearing divorce and custody cases.
Justice Brownstone obviously cares deeply about the issues that he deals with on a daily basis. One of the biggest complaints I hear from parents whose children are kept from them physically and turned against them emotionally, is that the court is ineffective in protecting children from being used as pawns by a vindictive parent. Courts allow repeated violations of court orders to continue without consequence. Professional custody evaluators and therapists often contribute to the court’s passivity by claiming that nothing can be done when a child refuses to see a parent, or treats the parent with contempt.
In this recently aired episode, Justice Brownstone and I discuss what courts and professionals can do to better protect children’s birthright to two parents. I enjoyed filming this segment and I hope you find it rewarding to watch.
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