Introducing Plutoverse™

Why a blog?

  1. It allows me to post ideas and information in a more timely manner than is possible with my website.
  2. When I add new material to the website, this blog will direct your attention to the additions, as well as other material on the site that you may have overlooked.
  3. I hope the blog will be a forum for sharing thoughts on a wide range of interests beyond my work on divorce, child custody, and parental alienation.
  4. A blog provides an avenue for moderated comments from readers. This type of dialog lets me know how my blog entries are being received and helps me sharpen my thinking and writing.

Why Plutoverse?

Pluto’s demotion from the status of a planet in our solar system is an apt metaphor for parental alienation. Estranged children no longer consider the rejected parent as part of their family. The parent has been “plutoed.” Pluto also symbolizes the alienated child, who feels cut off from an entire family. Finally, Pluto’s long distance away from Earth symbolizes the emotional distance between alienated children and the family they reject. Learn more.

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