A Note of Appreciation

By posting this entry the day after the blog’s debut, I don’t want to create the impression that I will be able to blog on a daily basis. But I had to post this because I wanted to say that I am deeply touched by the very many well-wishers who took the time to send encouraging words and advice via email and comments posted to the blog. They let me know that my voice is being heard and is making a difference.

I began to reply to each comment individually, but it did not take long for me to realize that if I did that, I could forget about getting any other projects done. The other task was to read all the comments and decide which to publish. I approved all comments except those that contain case-specific information. My concern is that these comments identify the writer by name. It is conceivable that the posting of the comment could have a negative impact on the writer or the writer’s family and I do not want to take that chance.

Although the blog was officially launched only yesterday, the early feedback, and the volume of feedback, make me glad I have moved into this realm. My only concern now is to find the time to make regular contributions.

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