Tag Archives: child abuse

“It really seems pretty obvious.” – BBC radio presenter on parental alienation as child abuse

BBC’s award-winning radio commentator, Jane Garvey, talked to Sarah Parsons, Principal Social Worker at Cafcass, and to Joanna Abrahams, a solicitor who specializes in cases of parental alienation. Regarding the recent Cafcass statement that parental alienation is child abuse, Garvey … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, child abuse, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome, understanding parental alienation | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on “It really seems pretty obvious.” – BBC radio presenter on parental alienation as child abuse

UK Agency Denounces Parental Alienation As Child Abuse

Behavior by one divorced parent that attempts to undermine a child’s relationship with the other parent—what I call “divorce poison”—has been denounced as child abuse by the chief executive of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, child abuse, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome, understanding parental alienation | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on UK Agency Denounces Parental Alienation As Child Abuse

Children Don’t Always Say What They Need

When training judges about parental alienation cases I emphasize that a child’s stated wishes may be a poor index of the child’s best interests. Children do not always want what is best for them. What they say they want is … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse, child custody litigation, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments