Parents Helping Parents: Tips from Victims of Divorce Poison offers general advice that may be useful to parents. Visit the Divorce Poison Control Center. Many of these tips come directly from parents. Others are the result of what clients and readers of my books have taught me.

Recently an alienated mother sent a tip that would make a good contribution to the DP Control Center. Rather than wait until I got around to updating that page on my website, I decided that I could place it on Plutoverse, and use that to launch a self-help section.

My intent is for parents to place their suggestions as comments to this blog post. If enough parents contribute, this could be come a valuable resource for parents struggling with the sad and difficult situations I write about in Divorce Poison. I suggest that new tips be placed as direct comments to the article (at the bottom of the page), and that comments about someone else’s tip be posted as a reply to that poster’s comment.

Here is the note that stimulated the creation of this section of Plutoverse. I am pleased to have it launch this resource and I hope other parents feel free to add their contributions.

“I am just in the process of writing cards to my daughters, and it occurred to me to share this tip with other parents. Perhaps you’d like to use it somewhere or post it on your blog?

“If your children return your cards and letters unopened, with a ‘return to sender’ note written on the envelope, stop writing your name and address on the back of the envelope. Simply write ‘From Mum/Dad’ or From Mum/Dad, with love.’ This means the children would have to invest some effort and, potentially, postage in returning the letter, and are less likely to do so. Even if they then do not open and read your letters, they may still keep them as reminders that you care.

“This is working for me.”

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