Tag Archives: parental alienation

Telling Kids Which Parent Wanted the Divorce

I have posted a few replies to comments on my recent Huffpost article. Learn more.

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When Kids Need To Know Bad Things About a Parent – Part 1

Like many rejected parents, Maureen bit her tongue when her children returned from their dad spewing venom about their mother’s alleged wrongdoings. She thought she was taking the high road. She had the support of her counselor whose advice was … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

What Judges Need to Know in Parental Alienation Cases

The Complex Tapestry of Parent-Child Relations emphasizes that the psychology of alienated children cannot be reduced to a single factor. In some cases, the judge has little doubt that one parent is primarily responsible for the child’s alienation. It may … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, child custody litigation, Overcoming parental alienation, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome, understanding parental alienation | Tagged , , , , | 17 Comments

State of Plutoverse – 2010

This is the first of what I hope will be an annual column recapping significant professional events of the year. 2010 was unusual in the number of major milestones that occurred. I do not expect to have another banner year … Continue reading

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Alec Baldwin’s A Promise to Ourselves

Alec Baldwin was kind enough to tell me how much my book, Divorce Poison: How To Protect Your Family From Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing, helped him understand his difficult family situation. I would like to reciprocate by sharing my thoughts about … Continue reading

Posted in book reviews, child custody litigation, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Answering Critics – Part 1

The many parents I have helped, women and men, express astonishment that some people demonize me, attempt to tarnish my reputation, and spread misleading and false information about my work and me. Although my supporters far outweigh my detractors, the … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, child custody litigation, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome | Tagged , , , , , , | 29 Comments

The Slanted Truth: Rationalizing Trash-Talk

When a parent talks trash about the other parent directly to the children, a common rationalization is, “My children deserve to know the truth.” You will observe that “the truth” in these situations always refers to negative comments about the … Continue reading

Posted in parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome, understanding parental alienation | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Kudos to Critics

In response to my first article on The Huffington Post, the blogosphere has seen a spate of attacks on me. Fortunately, the supporters outnumber the detractors by far. I thank my critics for doing such a good job of calling … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Parents Helping Parents: Tips from Victims of Divorce Poison

Warshak.com offers general advice that may be useful to parents. Visit the Divorce Poison Control Center. Many of these tips come directly from parents. Others are the result of what clients and readers of my books have taught me. Recently … Continue reading

Posted in alienated parents/rejected parents, Overcoming parental alienation, parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome, parents helping parents | Tagged , , , , | 32 Comments

Parental Alienation Buster: Moratorium on Discussing the Past

Family Bridges: A Workshop for Troubled and Alienated Parent-Child Relationships eases the transition when irrationally alienated children, teens, and young adults reunite with rejected parents. (The workshop is not for children who have good reasons to avoid a parent.) For … Continue reading

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