Alienated Trekkies: Star Trek Fans Who Hate (Or Are On Their Way To Hating) Their Parents

Resources for parents whose children are Star Trek fans and are alienated or at risk for becoming alienated from a parent.

Stories, fairy tales, and fables are the age-old ways of communicating life’s important lessons to children. Movies and television shows are two modern ways. Fortunately, both the big screen and the little screen have produced shows that relate directly to many of the ideas that alienated children need to learn. Watching such shows with your children is an entertaining, low-anxiety strategy for introducing important themes. Certain shows will allow you to introduce the topics of mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, parent-child relationships, even difficult divorces, in a relaxed atmosphere. The same children who would immediately shut down if you attempted to discuss their alienation will actively take part in a conversation about a hypnotized child or a brainwashed assassin.

If your child is a fan of Star Trek, you are in luck because several Star Trek episodes illustrate ideas such as children being influenced by outside forces to turn against a parent, mind-control, and implanting false memories.

Below are some titles. Visit the Alienation Busters page on my new website to find more TV shows, movies, and books that teach valuable lessons about critical thinking and resisting external influence on attitudes toward a parent.

How To Use TV Shows to Help Alienated Children

These shows can have value merely if your children watch them. (If you watch them together, at least you and they are sharing an enjoyable activity.)

But the shows will have their biggest payoff if you can initiate a conversation about them and successfully engage your children in the discussion. The principles of indirect communication and graduated exposure, discussed in detail in Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing are applicable here.

Don’t be too quick to relate the story to your child’s own situation. You do not want to arouse your child’s resistance. Learning about related situations lays a foundation that you can draw on in future conversations. The temptation will be to move too quickly. Given the frustration of rejected parents, this is understandable. Try to resist the temptation. Opening a closed mind is a delicate operation. Take your time and you will more likely meet with success.

Star Trek Voyager: Memorial (Season 6: Episode 14. Original air date: Feb. 2, 2000)
Captain Janeway is alarmed when crew members begin suffering horrific memories of participating in a wartime massacre. The memories are implanted but seem so real that the victims are sure their memories are accurate. One person asks, “Won’t you even consider the possibility that the memories are not real?” Not a bad question for an alienated child.

Star Trek: And The Children Shall Lead
Episode 60, Original Star Trek Series. An evil spirit turns young children against their parents to gain power.

Star Trek: Return Of The Archons
Episode 22, Original Star Trek Series A despot named Landru controls the minds of a whole society and ensnares Enterprise crew members.

Star Trek: Dagger Of The Mind
Episode 11, Original Star Trek Series An evil psychiatrist uses a mechanical hypnotizing device to control and ruin minds, including Captain Kirk’s.

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