When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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PBS Documentary

Cover DVD PBS Documentasry on Divorce.



Bringing Psychology to the Public

Dr. Warshak is frequently invited to be a keynote speaker, trainer, and media guest expert. Dr. Warshak values the discussion of psychological topics in public venues and tries to accommodate requests by the media for commentary on various aspects of mental health, divorce, child custody, and parental alienation.

Media Kit

For journalists and producers, Dr. Warshak's bio, photo, list of past media appearances and speaking engagements, topics addressed, and contact information. More

Upcoming & Recent Events

Forthcoming publications, presentations, and TV appearances by Dr. Warshak and coverage of his work in the media. More

Speaking Engagements

Organizations to which Dr. Warshak has consulted, given speeches, or conducted workshops, including government organizations, professional associations, and community groups. More. More


Topics covered by Dr. Warshak in his media appearances, presentations, and publications. Categories include: divorce poison/parental alienation/parental alienation syndrome; child custody, divorce, and stepfamilies; child psychology and parenting; and general psychology and mental health. More. More

TV & Radio

Television and radio appearances by Dr. Warshak. More

Videos of TV Appearances

Video clips of TV shows with Dr. Warshak. More


Listen to Dr. Warshak being interviewed on radio and on Internet sites. More

Fox4 Good Day Talking Points

Videos and articles of Dr. Warshak's segments on Fox news. More

Print Media

List of newspapers and magazines covering Dr. Warshak's work.

Newspaper & Magazine Clippings

Newspaper and magazine articles in PDF format or weblinks quoting Dr. Warshak and describing his work. More

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Upcoming Events

Addison, Texas

June 12, 2014
Parental Alienation: Overview, Intervention, and Practice Tips.

Panel at the U. T. School of Law conference: Innovations-Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation. More Arrow.

Los Angeles, California

May 29, 2013
International Child Custody.
Institute for lawyers, evaluators, and judges sponsored by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. More Arrow.

Haifa, Israel

May 13, 2012
Securing Children's Best Interests While Resisting the Lure of Simple Solutions. Opening keynote speech at the University of Haifa Conference: Parenting in Practice and Law: Terminology, Rhetoric, and Research. More Arrow.

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