When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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Dr. Richard Warshak in Print Media

If you want to interview Dr. Warshak for broadcast or print media, or you want to invite Dr. Warshak to speak to your group, please contact him at doc@warshak.com.

Click here for a list of topics that Dr. Warshak has covered in his presentations and publications.


Dr. Warshak has been quoted, or written about, in the following publications. Click here for clippings.


Time – 1980 and 2004
Parade — Sunday newspaper supplement magazine
Maclean’s – leading news magazine in Canada
Semana – leading news magazine in Columbia, South America
Working Mother
Men’s Health – 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000
Psychology Today – 1980, 1985, 2007, 2008
Best Life
American Psychological Association Monitor
Science News
Dallas Child


Sunday New York Times — page 1 story
USA Today — 1987, 1992 — cover story
Washington Post — page 1 story
Los Angeles Times
Toronto Star — 2009, 2010
Globe and Mail – Canada’s national newspaper — page 1 story
Law and Times – Canada’s law newspaper
NY Daily News
Dr. Joyce Brothers syndicated column
Chicago Tribune
Scotland on Sunday — Article on the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana
London Sunday Telegraph
Sunday Star Times (New Zealand)
Christian Science Monitor
San Diego Union Tribune
Boston Sunday Globe
Boston Herald
Austin American-Statesman
Houston Post
Dallas Morning News — 1982, 1985, 1991, 1992, 2003 — page 1 story, 2004
Forth Worth Star Telegram
Detroit Free Press
Asbury Park Press
Plano Star Courier — 1981, 1982, 1987, 2001— two page 1 stories, 2007
Parent to Parent – syndicated column in 2002, 2003, and 2004
Richardson Daily News

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