When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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About Pluto


Welcome Back, Pluto
Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Parental Alienation™

Regain and keep the love of your children with this acclaimed powerful video for families facing potential or existing parental alienation. Children and teens learn how and why to avoid taking sides with one parent against the other. Young adults learn another perspective about how they became alienated. This 83-minute professionally-produced program (DVD or download) encourages children to empathize with the suffering of rejected parents and understand their favored parent's perspective. It motivates alienated children and adults to restore positive relationships with parents and other relatives. More

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ALERT: Normally orders are filled within 24 hours of being received. But we will not be shipping any orders (including US Priority Express) received between May 18 and September 12. If you need items shipped before September 12, we invite you to click here to visit the Warshak e-LIBE where you can instantly download individual papers and videos.

Special offer: Users Guide to Welcome Back Pluto will be included for free with every order of the DVD. (Does not apply to video downloads.)

Welcome Back, Pluto
Click image to go to page with more information.
for children and adults
$19.99 for 1 DVD; $14.99 for 2 or more

Choose quantity from drop-down menu.
Click for more info on DVD about Custody.

2 DVDs Bundle
Click image to go to page with more information.
1 Welcome Back, Pluto DVD
1 Benefits and Hazards of Involving Children in Custody Decisions DVD


Divorce Poson Book and Pluto DVD.

Book + DVD Bundle
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Divorce Poison
+ Welcome Back, Pluto


Click to see CR64.

Parental Alienation Deluxe Bundle
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18 items
Everything in CR63
+ Divorce Poison (book)


Book + 2 DVDs
Click image to go to page with more information.
Welcome Back, Pluto DVD
+ Benefits & Hazards of Involving Children in Custody Decisions DVD
+ Divorce Poison


Parents will find valuable tips for helping their children adjust better when parents live apart from each other. The 83-minute DVD or digital download is suitable for viewing by parents and children together or separately. It is also a valuable tool for therapists and counselors working with families in which children have, or are in danger of developing, a ruptured relationship with a parent. University professors report remarkable healing among their college students who suffer parental alienation. Welcome Back, Pluto has been seen and has helped families in twenty-nine countries across six continents. View Trailer


Welcome Back, Pluto - Chapter Titles

  1. What is alienation?
  2. Understanding alienated children
  3. Mistakes favored parents make
  4. What's in a name?
  5. Understanding favored parents.
  6. The plight of rejected parents    Watch Chapter 6.
  7. Tips for parents
  8. Tips for kids

Bonus Material

  • WBP Promo

  • Interview with Divorced Father


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