When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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Tailor-made for me.

It's incredibly realistic. It felt like it was tailor-made for me. It felt like the life of me. If I had seen this a year ago, I would have realized immediately what was going on and stopped it.

—17 year-old, no longer alienated

My parents should watch Pluto.

Helps you understand parents and how they feel after divorce and some solutions to make it better. Also helps to make parents want to develop a better relationship with each other and with the kids. My mother has made all those mistakes that the DVD talks about rejected parents making. She should watch this too.

—15 year-old

I learned I didn't start it.

I think favored parents should watch this to learn it is better not to reject the other parent and to learn some better ways to do things for their kids. I learned the kids didn't really start it.

—9 year-old

It explains stuff you know—but don't know.

It is good because it explains stuff you know, but don't know. Like sometimes you know you are in a situation but you don't really understand it and how it works.

—12 year-old

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I purchased your DVD and the counselor directed me to watch it with my son and for my son to watch it with my ex.

After watching the DVD, my ex apologized but said "he didn't agree with everything in the video." Soon thereafter, I reconnected with my son and now 6 months later, my relationship with my son is better than it has been for a very long time. I thank you so much for creating such a wonderful video that enlightened my ex. I hope someday PA can become eradicated with the help of the courts and all who put the word out.

Also, the counselor felt the DVD was so useful he used it for another family. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for this DVD, I wouldn't have reconnected with my son.

— Mother of a 15-year-old boy

What a wonderful video!

As a mother of a teenager struggling thru the worst nightmare of my life this video made such an impression. Not only did it help me see my feelings were normal but it helped me see what my child was feeling. I cant help but think that this video played a huge part in the conversation my daughter had with the judge less than a week after watching it. She is with me, by choice.


Hope for a suffering mother.

I gasped as I watched this! I couldn't believe how well it described alienation and especially some of the things alienated children say and ways they feel. I'm anticipating that as my daughter watches this, some of it will jump out at her and she'll realize that a lot of it applies to her. This does a wonderful job at relaying that this situation is one that other children suffer from too. It is not their unique problem, and it can be solved. I love how it ends! It shows a man who kept waiting for the right time to reunite with his father. When he finally reached out, he was a month too late as his father had just passed away. It lets kids understand that there is some urgency in reconciling because you never know what tomorrow will bring. I simply can't say enough about this DVD. I only wish I would've ordered it sooner! Dr. Warshak hit the nail right on the head again, just like with his book Divorce Poison.


Life-preserver of the parent's loving relationship with her child.

When I read of Welcome Back, Pluto in the 2010 edition of Warshak's Divorce Poison, I dove for it, realizing there was no time to waste in securing it and setting a suitable climate for my five dear Children to watch what I had seen happening to them. Having devoured the video (5x) and returned heavily to highlight his book, I wrote Dr. Warshak...

Your DVD has already helped me immensely - not just to see and articulate my spouse's faults, but also to introspect for my own improvement. You are doing the world a service.

Now, even my 6 1/2 year old walks around the home commenting on how misused and abused "Pluto" has been - sometimes at the hands of unwitting scientists - and how he plans to advocate for Pluto at the next meeting of astronomers.

If you see someone in danger of becoming "Plutoed," you can do nothing better than get him, and yourself, copies of Richard Warshak's Welcome Back, Pluto (followed up with his unsurpassed "Divorce Poison"). Consider it the life-preserver of the parent's loving relationship with her Child. And if already shipwrecked, give "Pluto" a chance to rescue and reconcile that seemingly unrecoverable relationship. After all, what is more precious?

— Barry  A  Sindlinger

A spiritual angel.

My dictionary defines an "angel" as "an attendant spirit or guardian, a messenger;" a "spiritual being" which is "superior to humans in power and intelligence."

Dr. Warshak's aptly-named DVD, Welcome Back, Pluto, is a guardian angel which a "rejected" parent - the person who needs this DVD the most - can view, in a convenient instant, whenever emotionally and spiritually needed, as a cogent reminder that is "superior in power and intelligence" whenever a parent is struggling with what Dr. Warshak's book pointedly describes as "divorce poison."

I have Dr. Warshak's book, among others. However, particularly when one isn't in the mood to read, a "rejected" parent can effortlessly watch this soothing, gentle and comforting DVD, as a "pep talk" to keep the parent on track, to restrain the parent from overreacting, and to remind a rejected parent to develop "thick skin" when dealing with the heartbreak of attempting to interact with an alienated child.

Parenthetically, a large population - including social workers and other professionals - out there can significantly profit from this DVD, and the public could profit from this DVD's wider distribution.

"Rejected" parents who avail themselves of this DVD, as I frequently do, are in a debt of gratitude to Dr. Warshak.

—Nathanael Greene

Felt like Dr. Warshak knew our family!

I was stunned by how accurately this video describes Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). PAS is not just a child who is "misbehaving", or a parent who isn't properly disciplining his or her child. It is truly the brainwashing and mind altering of a child against someone they love and have, at one time, had a good relationship with. This video speaks to the child without being condescending, and without choosing sides. It is very, very good. A MUST HAVE for anyone who is going through this horrible, heartbreaking, situation.

— Aunt of an alienated child

She thought Dr. Warshak must have been watching her family. . .A platform to open much needed conversation.

My daughter [10 years old] pretended to be bored with the narration format (which was her only criticism) but was drawn in anyway. I watched her change to a mesmerized child waiting at the edge of her seat for the next nugget of information to be spoken. When we'd completed all the chapters, she told me she thought Dr. Warshak must have been watching her family — because her father's family did "everything" the narrator discussed of the favored parents. I could see her make connections, realizations, and discoveries. She always wanted to go back to it, never gave me a hard time about watching more, as if she knew despite the hard emotions she felt watching it she needed to see more. It was a platform to open much needed conversation.

—Alienated mother who used Welcome Back, Pluto as a last resort in response to her child's demands to end contact.


It really opened the boys' eyes up.

Confirmed what they already knew. Both got something out of it. The oldest, the real target of the alienation, got a better understanding of what was going on. The younger one realized all the pressure on him to lie about me was not right and it confirmed that he did the right thing by not lying. They are like normal kids now. They are getting along better now. Before it was a lot of arguing. Now they are getting along better. Now the older one is saying that I'm his father after all this time of denying me. He put me on his Facebook and says how much he enjoys his time with me, I can't tell you how huge that is.

— Divorced father of two boys


10 year-old and 8 year-old watched in rapt attention.

They watched it in rapt attention for 90% of the time! This from a 10 year old and an 8 yr old that can't sit through most movies. My son actually cried at the end! This from a boy that never shows any sad emotion if he can help it, not even when his budgie died. So congratulations on touching a nerve on my son with the guy's letter at the end. They watched the movie about 5 days ago. And besides the immediate comments to me after the movie, they have not mentioned it again, and I figured it just was something that slipped their mind like most other things. However, to my surprise, this morning, my daughter and son were playing 'house', and I heard a comment from my 10 yr old daughter '.. it's OK.. what do you think? I'm alienated? ' Thank you for making such a great DVD.

— Mother and founder, Parental Alienation Awareness Organization


Pluto is blazing the trail - struck a chord with my kids.

Very enlightening, it helped validate the experiences we've had. There are so many times that we went to therapists or a parenting coordinator, and they flat out deny it is a problem, saying it is something we are making up. When we sat down and watched Pluto, we got support and felt validated. It gave me hope and inner strength, we can take care of it, we can find the right way to address it and to overcome it. The kids didn't say anything, but they paid attention, they didn't get angry. They were quiet, but they really paid attention. That was key, that meant the message was getting in there. They know that is what is going on. I know it struck a chord with them. I can't say enough good things about the DVD, it is the only thing out there.

— Father of two boys


The opening scene, that's my life with my daughter. It couldn't have been more real.

Wonderful, I loved it for me and my husband. It was very informative. As hard as it is, it was helpful to see other people speaking about it who are in same situation. It helps to know I'm not insane, hearing others talk about it. I'm not crazy. One really good thing, Dr. Warshak talks about children asking later: "Why would you have me make such an important decision about where I would live?" That was awesome, I hold onto that every single day. I pray to God that some day they will thank me for not giving up on them. To hear that kids ask later on: "You wouldn't let me ride a bike without a helmet, why did you let me choose about seeing you?" That really helped and really hit home. And the story at the end, I hope that the kids will realize that things are not for certain. You just don't know what can happen.

—Mother of son and daughter.


She was in tears.

My mother just finished watching the DVD and she was in tears (it takes a lot for her to get to that stage). She said I am living what was presented in the DVD. Her reaction was the kids need to see this DVD, along with their mother's family. What really struck her was when the parent was cut out of photos. My mom said the DVD also moved her when it discussed the problems of parental alienation for the kids in the future.

— Father of a deceased alienating mother


Will revolutionize the lives of alienated children and their families.

Incredibly impressive! I deeply appreciate: the calm music, the backgrounds, the narrator, her affect, look, voice - she does not feel preachy, the graphics/photos, the content, the tips for kids when they hear badmouthing or are pressured to take sides. In awe and deeply appreciative of your professional, expert work! Thank you for establishing a high bar to increase awareness of this incredibly damaging dynamic in many families of divorce. Like your book Divorce Poison, your DVD will revolutionize the lives of alienated children, their families.

— Alienated mother


Pluto is perfect for kids.

Right at their level. It makes it real. It is believable. Good for the kids because it shows both sides, that they are stuck in the middle, that it is not their problem, and that it is unfair for them to be so burdened by an adult problem.

— Divorced mother of two girls

Great aid for children in the middle.

I have watched it twice already. It is an excellent DVD which I hope will greatly aid understanding for ostracized dads or mums, all children in the middle and those doing the punishing. Thank you for bringing much light on what appears in the UK to be a taboo unaccepted subject.

—Alienated father, United Kingdom


From a formerly alienated mother

I cried a lot through this DVD. It acknowledged to me what should have been done, what happened and so much! Thank you so much. I am really excited to tell more people about it and help others stop parental alienation. It could also help my siblings.

—Formerly alienated mother


An excellent DVD. Highly recommend.

I have recently been through a split, and I found it provoking as well as informative. An excellent tool for all in family splits. I have passed it to the family therapist requesting her to view this, as I think it would be useful for her to use with other families. I hope my ex-wife will look at this as well. The DVD is well set out and easy to follow. I would highly recommend this to others in a similar situation.

—Father, Australia


Communicated with kindness, compassion, authority.

Just watched Pluto DVD - enjoyed the depth of content and how clearly and joyfully you communicated it with so much kindness, compassion yet authority.

—Mother, grandmother, Arizona


The girl could be my daughter.

It is amazing!! The girl could be my daughter. We plan on showing my two children the DVD this weekend at their therapy session. I just ordered six more DVDs and I am going to send one to the judge, law guardians and the forensic evaluator.

— Alienated father

So right on and so validating.

My mom bought me your DVD and I just finished watching it. What a great tool. It was so right on and so validating. This DVD is awesome, plus it came at such a perfect time.

—Alienated mother


I loved the DVD. It made me cry.

—Barb Nischalke, co-founder of Parental Alienation - Keeping Families Connected


Highly recommend.

I have recently been through a split, and I found it provoking as well as informative. An excellent tool for all in family splits with children. I have passed it to the family therapist requesting her to view this, as I think it would be useful for her to use with other families. I hope my ex wife will look at this as well. Easy to follow. Highly recommend this to others in a similar situation.

—Alienated father


Hit all the right categories.

Hit all the right categories, calm, did not feel attacking or anxious. Really liked Warshak and liked the back and forth between Warshak and the narrator.

—Alienated father


Every lawyer and judge should see Pluto.

We found Welcome Back, Pluto very helpful. We showed it to our lawyer, she loved it. We think every lawyer and judge working with divorce should see this.

—Father and stepmother of two teens


Excellent!!! Should be mandatory for children and their parents.

— Alienated mother of teen boy

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Dr. Warshak has done it again. Lawyers and therapists will want to hand out copies to clients to prevent children from becoming casualties of divorce. Read the entire review >

— American Journal of Family Therapy

A superb resource for teens, parents and professionals.

Finally, a resource that sheds some much needed light on the complex and often misunderstood topic of parent alienation. In a simple yet thorough manner, Dr. Warshak offers insight regarding the various ways alienation impacts parent child relationships. Identifying damaging behaviors from the subtle to the extreme, this DVD is filled with relatable examples, clear explanations and practical suggestions for addressing difficult problems. A superb resource for teens, parents and professionals, Welcome Back Pluto, is an absolute necessity for any divorced or separated parent struggling to maintain a loving and active relationship with their child.

—Christina McGhee, Author of Parenting Apart: How Separated and Divorce Parents Can Raise Happy and Secure Kids

Powerful, moving, and hopeful.

A powerful tool to help parents and their children avoid the heart breaking unnecessary pain and suffering I have witnessed for years. Absolutely outstanding, moving, helpful, and hopeful.

—Kevin Fuller, Chair of the Collaborative Law Section of the State Bar of Texas

I am so impressed with the Pluto DVD. Bravo!

—Dr. Linda Nielsen, educational psychologist and author, Between Fathers & Daughters

Wonderful resource.

— Psychologist, Colorado

Well done and I expect that I will use it in both my practice and my teaching.

— Maggie Hall, MSW, RSW, LLM, AccDM, CPMed, Director of The Mediation Centre, Ontario, Canada

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