When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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Square Bullet. QuickLinks: Dealing with Anxiety and Trauma | Divorce, Relocation | Alienated Children and Parental Alienation | Op-Ed Articles on Divorce, Custody, and Parental Alienation | Fox Good Day Talking Points

Dealing with Anxiety and Trauma

    • Dealing With An Anxious Time - Navigator Click to read article in PDF format.

    • Dealing with an Anxious Time - NuImageClick to read article in PDF format.

    • Helping Children with Anxiety Talk about War & Terrorism Click to read article in PDF format.

    • Helping Children Cope with Traumatic Events at School Read

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Divorce, Relocation

    • Take the Warshak Test Before Talking to Children About Your Ex Read

    • Amici Curiae to Supreme Court of California in LaMusga Relocation Case — 2003 PDF Icon - Click to bview article in PDF format. Amici Curiae Brief submitted to, and accepted by, the Supreme Court of California In re the Marriage of Susan Navarro (LaMusga) and Gary LaMusga, Supreme Court Case No. S107355. This brief, written by Dr. Warshak, was endorsed and signed by an additional 27 experts in the field of divorce and child custody.

    • Tips for Summer Transition Dr. Warshak's article on how to handle summer contacts with children when parents live apart. Read

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Alienated Children and Parental Alienation

    • Responding to A 15 Year Old Girl's Rejection of Her Father Read

    • Three Children Reject Their Father and Stepmother With Special Needs Terminally Ill Child Read

    • Father Not Invited To Daughter's 18th Birthday Party Read

    • Dr. Warshak answers readers' questions about Strategies to Reunite with Adult Alienated Children Read

    • Eltern-Kind-Entfremdung und Sozialwissenschaften - Sachlichkeit statt Polemik, Zentralblatt für Jugendrecht (ZfJ) No.5, May (2005): 186-200. Translation of title: Parental Alienation and Social Science: Replacing Polemics with Reason PDF Icon - Click to bview article in PDF format.

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Op-ed Articles on Divorce, Custody, and Parental Alienation

    • After divorce, shared parenting is best for children’s health and development -  May 26, 2017 STATNEWS.com and businessinsider.com Read

    • Making Kids Choose Not Wise in Custody Battles -  April 8, 2016 The San Diego Union-Tribune Read

    • Workshop Has Scientific Support - May 18, 2010 LawTimes (Canada). Read

    • Maclean's Interview with Dr. Warshak About Family Bridges.

    • "Scripted lines" in Goldman case instructive - January 17, 2010 Asbury Park Press. Read

    • Divorce Doesn't Have to Devastate the Children - March 3, 2002 The Dallas Morning News Click to Read article in  PDF format.

    • Children Often Manipulated in Custody Fights - May 2, 2000 The Dallas Morning News Click to Read article in  PDF format.

    • Child Custody: Flawed System Needs Repair - October 18, 1992 The Dallas Morning News Click to Read article in  PDF format.

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Fox Good Day Talking Points

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