When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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References Relevant to Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation Case Law

Richard A. Gardner, M.D. introduced the term parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and pioneered its study. In his efforts to assist people who were interested in learning about parental alienation syndrome and educating courts about PAS and its acceptance in the scientific community, and in response to misrepresentations that work on PAS had not been published in scientific journals, Dr. Gardner maintained on his Web site a list of references on parental alienation syndrome, a list of legal citations, a list of professional conferences on parental alienation syndrome, and a list of lectures that Dr. Gardner had been invited to deliver on parental alienation syndrome.

In May 2003 Dr. Gardner passed away. The web site that bears his name no longer exists. Aware of the importance of these reference lists, Dr. Gardner's family asked me to post them on my site. If you are aware of citations that should be added to these lists, or changes that should be made, please feel free to email the relevant information.

Each of these links below leads you to a new page.

For parental alienation references available on this site, click here.