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I welcome email from readers of my books and personally read and try to respond to every message. Because I handle all my correspondence personally, I ask for your patience. I spend several hours each week responding to readers' inquiries and still I run far behind. Brief email messages usually receive responses sooner than long messages. Also, I keep a copy of your address and will occasionally e-mail you to let you know about upcoming events, television appearances, etc. Your address is not shared with anyone. If you'd rather not receive these occasional updates, simply ask to be removed from the list.
When I believe that an email and my response would benefit other families, I may chose to post the text of the email and my response on my website and/or quote the email in my presentations and publications. In such cases I will not include your name or location or other obvious identifying information. Please keep this in mind when asking for advice via email. (This does not apply to requests for professional services, which will remain confidential.) By seeking my advice via email, you are agreeing to allow me to use the text of your email. In most cases, I will inform you ahead of time so that you can opt out. But I will not feel obligated to do so. If you prefer that your email to me remain confidential, please include a note to that effect and I will certainly respect your wishes.