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Expert Witness

. Dr. Warshak is highly sought after as an expert witness in matters related to custody, childhood trauma, and personal injury. When not testifying as a court-appointed expert, Dr. Warshak has been retained by attorneys for mothers and for fathers in equal numbers.

. After nearly four decades of serving as an expert witness, Dr. Warshak now concentrates more of his time on research, writing, and trial consultation. He has agreed to testify only twice since 2015 and not at all since 2019.The last time Dr. Warshak testified in a case involving parental alienation issues was in 2015 when he was retained by an attorney for a mother. He last testified in Canada in 2019 on issues related to a parenting plan for a young child. Nevertheless, Dr. Warshak does not rule out the possibility of accepting a future invitation to serve as an expert witness depending on the circumstances of the case and the issues on which he is asked to testify (e.g., parenting plans for young children or domestic and international relocation issues).

. Email Dr. Warshak to request further information regarding consultation policies and fees. Please give the names of the litigants and the case, and the names of all attorneys and mental health professionals involved in the case so that Dr. Warshak can check for potential conflicts. Other than these names, provide no case-specific information until Dr. Warshak has done a conflict check and has been retained for a consultation. This helps Dr. Warshak avoid conflicts of interest if another party or counsel in the case has consulted with him.

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