When Kids Need to Know Bad Things About a Parent
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Dr. Warshak's Work

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Toronto Star Logo.

Family Bridges

Toronto Star (Canada) - Parent Central

by Susan Pigg Click here to read the article.


Logo Il Giornale.

"Mio Figlio Rubato Dai Tribunali Italiani"

March 9, 2009 Il Giornale (Italy)

by Silvia Kramar   

Logo The Star.

Help for Children Alienated by a Parent

February 3, 2009, The Star (Canada)

by Tracey Tyler read > online.

Logo Law Times.

Syndrome is "Grave Danger" to Kids

February 2, 2009 Law Times (Canada)

by Ian Harvey   

Logo The Globe and Mail.

Courts Can Rescue Kids from an Alienating Parent

January 29, 2009 The Globe and Mail (Canada)

by Sarah Hampson   

Logo Semana.com.

Padres sin Hijos

January 25, 2009 Semana (Columbia, South America)

read > online.

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Logo Dallas Child.

The Truth ... About Custody

August 27, 2008 Dallas Child

by J. E. Chanen   

Logfo Psychology Today.

About Fathers - Perspectives about Fathers and Their Children

July 8, 2008 Psychology Today

By Paul Raeburn  read > online,

Logo Macleans.

Interview with Dr. Richard Warshak

June 16, 2008 Maclean's (Canada)

by Ken MacQueen    

Logo The Globe and Mail.

Turning Child against Parent "Very Common" in Nasty Separations

May 19, 2008 The Globe and Mail (Canada)

by Carly Weeks   

Logo The Globe and Mail.

Mother Bear v. Ghost Dad: Nobody Wins

January 31, 2008 The Globe and Mail (Canada)

by Sarah Hampson   

< back to top


Logo Plano Star Courier.

Kidnapped Girls Found but not Returned Home

November 3, 2007 Plano Star Courier

by Stephanie Flemmons   

Logo LifeScript.

Kids Caught in the Middle

June 8, 2007 LifeScript

by Stephanie O'Neill   

Logo My San Antonio.

Baldwin Case Underscores Argument about PAS

May 4, 2007  read > online.

Logfo Psychology Today.

House Divided: Hate Thy Father

April 24, 2007 Psychology Today

By Mark Teich  read > online.


Logo CBS News.

How Divorce Wars Take a Toll on Kids

September 14, 2006 CBS News The Early Show

by Daniel Schorn  

Logo Men's Health Best Life.

Fatherhood Special: Lost Children

June 2006 Men's Health Best Life

by John Sedgwick 


Logo Chicago Tribune.

Custody Tactic Can Shred Families

November 16, 2005 Chicago Tribune

by Nancy Amdur   


Logo Dallas Morning News.

Houston Boy Killed His Father, but Why?

November 1, 2004 The Dallas Morning News

by Bruce Nichols   

Logo Time Magazine.

Joint Custody Blues

August 30, 2004, TIME

By Pamela Paul  read > online

Logo NY Times.

Divorced Parents Move, and Custody gets Thicker

August 8, 2004 The New York Times

by Leslie Eaton    

Logo Christian Science Monitor.

When Equal Custody Is Law, Who Gains?

June 24, 2004 The Christian Science Monitor


Logo NY Daily News.

3 Broken Hearts - Cruel Court Ruling Rips Twins from Mom

June 1, 2004 NY Daily News

by Bob Port   

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Logo Dallas Morning News.

In Divorce, Parents Need to Act like Adults

December 10, 2003 The Dallas Morning News

by Betsy Flagler   

Logo ABA Journal.

Two Parents, Two Cribs - Babies May Benefit From Overnight Visits With Noncustodial Parents

November 7, 2003 ABA Journal Report

by Stephanie Francis Ward 

Logo NuImage Magazine.

Tips for Dealing with Troubled Feelings Related to War & Terrorism

Summer 2003 NuImage Magazine

by Richard Warshak    

Logo Dallas Morning News.

Parent's Move after Split Called Harmful

June 26, 2003 The Dallas Morning News

by Karen Patterson   

Logo The Atlas Society.

Dealing with an Anxious Time

June 2003 The Atlas Society

by Richard Warshak   

Logo Breooklyn Papers.

Dealing with Hubby's Ex

2003 Brooklyn Papers

by Betsy Flagler  


Logo Child Magazine.

The Better Divorce: Easing the Impact on Children

October 2002 Child Magazine

by Stacey Colino   

Logo Inform Magazine.

Divorce Poison - An Interview with Richard Warshak, Ph.D.

July 2002 Inform Magazine

by Janie Russell   

Logo Health Scout.

Joint Custody Better for Kids of Divorce

March 24, 2002 Health Scout

by Adam Marcus   

Logo CBS News.

Dealing with "Divorce Poison"

February 2, 2002 CBS news The Early Show


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Logo Plano Star Courier.

Divorce in Collin County: Fathers Fighting for Custody

September 2, 2001 Plano Star Courier

by Mike Norris     

Logo Plano Star Courier.

Custody Tug-of-War: Changing Domicile Restrictions Difficult in....

August 19, 2001 Plano Star Courier

by Mike Norris    


Logo Men's Health.

What the Hell Is Up with All These Lawsuits?

February 2000, Men's Health



Logo Boston Globe.

Severed Lives - When a Parent Abducts a Child....

April 26, 1998 The Boston Sunday Globe

by Matthew Brelis  


Logo Austin Monthly.

Special Dads on a Special Day

June 1996 Austin Monthly

by Autumn Gray  

Logo Sunday Telegraph

Why Father Does Know Better Than Mother

March 3, 1996 The Sunday Telegraph (London, England)

By Rachel Sylvester 


Logo Men's Health.

Custody's Last Stand

June 1995 Men's Health

by Michael Lafavore   

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Logo Men's Health.

The Last Tangle

October 1994 Men's Health

by Armin A. Brott   

Logo Parenting Magazine.

Single Parents - The Threat to Switch Homes

May 1994 Parenting

by Myriam Weisang Misrach    

Logo Detroit Free Press.

Moms Owe Dads the Opportunity to Visit the Kids

March 1994 Detroit Free Press

by Neil Chethik   


Logo Redbook.

The Wicked Stepmother & Other Nasty Myths

July 1993 Redbook

by Myriam Weisang Misrach 

Logo Washington Post.

Easing Divorce's Sting, for the Children's Sake

July 6, 1993, The Washington Post Front Page Story

By Barbara Vobejda 

Logo Borger News

Children Are Victims of Parents' Divorce

July 1993  The Borger News-Herald

by Kym Klass  

Logo Men's Health.

Visitation Wrongs

February 1993 Men's Health

Quick Reads - The Best Parts of Some Recent Books   


Logo M Magazine.

The Custody Trap

Oct. 1992 M Magazine

by Stephen Perine   

Logo Dallas Morning News.

Abuse Charges Can Be a Potent Weapon in a War Between Parents

August 24, 1992 The Dallas Morning News

by Delia M. Rios    

Logo USA Today.

Parenting Turns Men's Lives on End

June 19, 1992, USA Today Cover Story

By Marilyn Elias 


Logo Dallas Morning News.

A Singular Kind of Dad

June 16, 1991 The Dallas Morning News

by Toni Y. Joseph   

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Logo Spirit Magazine.

Split Decisions: Divorced Parents Reentering the Dating Arena....

August 1990

By Patricia J. O'Connor 

Logo Men's Health.

Mr. Dad

June 1990 Men's Health

by Pail Ciotti  

Logo Parade.

Can a Man Raise a Child All by Himself?

April 1990 Parade

by Paul Levine    


Logfo Psychology Today.

The Superiority of Mother and Daughter, Father and Son Custody

September 1989 Psychology Today

By Brenda Hirsch 


Logo Privileged Information.

How to Be a Good Father - Even When You're Not there

October 15, 1987 Privileged Information

PI Interview    

Logo USA Today.

Single Fathers Are Demanding Respect

September 1, 1987, USA Today

By Bonnie Jacob 

Logo Asbury Park Press.

Experts Say Children Hurt by Custody Battles

April 26, 1987 The Asbury Park Press 


Logo Omni.

Men Make Good Parents

December 1986  Omni


Logo Science News.

Kramer vs. Kramer in Real Life - Research on Father-Custody Families

June 7, 1986 Science News 



Logo Dallas Morning News.

Going It Alone as a Father

August 22, 1985 The Dallas Morning News

by Steve Levin   

Logo Psychology Today.

Mom, Dad and the Kids - Fathers Going It Alone and....

June 1985 Psychology Today

By Dennis Meredith 

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Logo Parents Magazine.

Kids & Divorce - Steps You Can Take to Help Your Child Cope

Nov. 1984 Parents Magazine

by Elin McCoy    

Logo Dallas Morning News.

Joint Custody: Three Families that Tried It

January 8, 1984 The Dallas Morning News

by Glenna Whitley

Logo Dallas Morning News.

One Dad, One Mom, Two Homes

January 8, 1984 The Dallas Morning News

by Glenna Whitley   


Logo Plano Daily Star Courier.

Stepfamilies' Myths Examined

April 24, 1983 Plano Daily Star Courier



Logo Austin American.

Same-sex Parent Can Help in Divorce, Study Says

October 5, 1982 Austin American Statesman

By Audrey Pennington  

Logo Chicago Tribune.

If Choice Required, Same-Sex Parent Is the Best, Study Says

June 27, 1982 Chicago Tribune

by Maury M. Breecher   

Logo Plano Daily Star Courier.

Psychological Problems Resulting from Divorce Source of Great Anguish

March 30, 1982 Plano Daily Star Courier

by Lawrence Budd    

Logo Dallas Morning News.

Who Should Get Custody?

March 8, 1982 The Dallas Morning News

by Chuck Cook   


Richardson Daily News.

The After-School Job: Problem of Condition?

October 14, 1981 Richardson Daily News

By Carol Luker 

Logo Plano Daily Star Courier.

Development of Stepchild Study Focus

1981 Plano Daily Star Courier

by Doreen Padilla    

Logo The Houston Post.

Life with Father

1981 The Houston Post

by Barbara McIntosh   


Logo TIME.

Behavior: Woe Is One

September 8, 1980, TIME  read > online

Dr. Joyce Brothers.

Custody often Helps Children

1980 Dr. Joyce Brothers   

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