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DIVORCE POISON: What's New in the Revised Edition (Jan. 2010)

If you own an earlier edition of Divorce Poison, you may be wondering whether you should buy the new edition. To help you decide, the following are the most substantial additions in the new volume. The features listed below are only some of the more substantial new material. In addition, there are numerous new paragraphs, new advice, and rewritten material.

A Note to the Reader

A completely new Introduction (in addition to the existing Introduction) — 11 pages of new material describing the response to Divorce Poison and offering valuable evidence to counteract arguments made by those who chose to deny the existence of parents who mistreat their children in this manner and of children who suffer irrational alienation from a parent and other relatives. Three questions are provided to assist in determining whether a child’s rejection is reasonable or unreasonable.

A new Afterword: Restoring Lost Identities and Lost Relationships

11 pages of new material. The most important addition in this new section is the first description to the public of Family Bridges: A Workshop for Troubled and Alienated Parent-Child Relationships.

Family Bridges is a revolutionary program for families with severely alienated children whom courts and therapists have traditionally regarded as beyond help. It is the only program of its kind with proven results whose description and followup study have passed the scientific peer review process. This means that a panel of expert reviewers and the editors judged the manuscript to have sufficient merit to warrant publication.

The "Afterword" tells the story of how Dr. Warshak discovered this program. Readers will learn the conditions for enrollment in Family Bridges, and the type of family situations for which Family Bridges; should be considered. The success of Family Bridges with teenagers whom custody evaluators and courts thought were too old to reunite with their parents provides new hope and a new option for these difficult situations. The "Afterword" also gives new suggestions for parents who want to help raise awareness of parental alienation and want legislatures and courts to introduce needed reforms to reduce the incidence and damage caused by parental alienation.

An entirely new section on Options for Healing Damaged Parent-Child Relationships

This section describes the benefits and drawbacks of various approaches for helping alienated children. It will be useful to parents considering their options, as well as mental health professionals and judges who must carefully weigh the pros and cons of each approach in order to determine the solution that is in the best interests of the child.

An entirely new section on Reconnecting with Adult Alienated Children

In order to make room for all the above, the "Resources" section has been deleted from the book and appears instead on this website.

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