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Books, Articles, Videos, and Speeches by Dr. Richard A. Warshak

These links go to pages with information about each item: CR01 | CR03 | CR04 | CR05 | CR07 | CR08 | CR09 | CR12 | CR13 | CR14 | CR15 | CR16 | CR17 | CR18 | CR19 | CR20 | CR21 | CR22 | CR23 | CR24 | CR25 | CR27 | CR28 | CR30 | CR31 | CR32 | CR37| CR41 | CR43 | CR44 | CR45 | CR48 | CR51 | CR53 | CR54 | CR55 | CR56 | CR57 | CR58 | CR59 | CR60 | WBP01-02 | WBP-DL | WPQ | DP

CR40 - Child Custody and Divorce Resource Collection

This collection of 16 items is an easy way for parents, lawyers, and mental health professionals to acquire at a discount CR40.Dr. Warshak's publications relevant to issues of father custody, joint custody, mother custody, and children's role in custody decisions.

The collection includes a portfolio of seven documents which originally appeared as chapters in professional books and articles in professional journals, one book chapter and one article published by the American Bar Association, four pamphlets based on speeches, one journal article, one DVD, and transcript of testimony to a U. S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare that is available exclusively on this website.

If purchased individually, this material costs $82.50. The portfolio is offered at $65.95 (20% off). Items include

CR01 - Child Custody Research Portfolio (7 articles)
CR04 - How Children Fare in Father Custody Homes
CR05 - The Custody Revolution: Beyond Fathers' Rights and Mothers' Rights
CR07 - Joint Custody Is Feasible
CR08 - Keeping Fathers Involved
CR09 - Child Custody: Reform, Research, & Common Sense: Testimony to U.S. Commission
CR12 - Gender Bias in Child Custody Decisions
CR14 - The Primary Parent Presumption: Primarily Meaningless
CR20 - Obstacles and Controversies in the Pursuit of Children's Best Interests
CR30 - Benefits and Hazards of Involving Children in Custody Decisions

CR40, collection of sixteen journal articles, book chapters, pamphlets, testimony, and DVD
Price: $65.95

Frequently Bought Together

Click to read about Child Custody and Divorce Resource Collection.

Child Custody and Divorce Collection
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Sixteen journal articles, book chapters, booklets, testimony, and DVD



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